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P: 1.289.938.7607

Contact Us

Write Muhammed directly:

Muhammed Sillah
541 Highway 36
Lindsay, Ontario
K9V 4S6
Box 4500

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How to join us:


1. Sign our petition to free Muhammed: Petition

2. Donate towards legal fees and other expenses: contact

3. Like us on Facebook, to follow, share and engage: FB

6. Email us your letters of encouragement, support, and discontent to be given to officials in Canada or send them directly to Muhammed at the address at the top of the page

7. Keep spreading the awareness on this case and what is happening in Gambia

8. Join organizations who are fighting to free Gambia to be included in protests, petitions
,  where you can donate

9. Write to your local MP's, Presidents, Human rights organizations and ask for assistance in freeing Gambia

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